Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Iko Uwais, Yayan 'Mad Dog', Cecep 'Assassin' join Star Wars 7?

Sempet gak nyangka kalau Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhiyan, dan Cecep A. Rahman yang merupakan para aktor-aktor plus praktisi silat jebolan The Raid bakal ikutan maen di film Star Wars 7. Film terbaru dari Star Wars yang rilis akhir tahun 2015 nanti. Berkat berita ini, gw jadi exited untuk nonton ulang film Star Wars sebelum-sebelumnya. Jujur aja, gw mah baru nonton trilogi Star Wars yang versi Hayden Christensen doang. Yang klasiknya malah belum, padahal banyak yang bilang yang versi klasik itu lebih keren dari trilogi yang baru.

Terus gimana ya nasib film ini kalau beneran trio aktor pesilat ini ikutan filmnya? Bakal berperan jadi apa good guy or bad guy? Yang pasti gw yakin kalau JJ Abrams selaku sutradara pasti akan ngeluarin potensi bela diri mereka, jadi nanti adegan tarungnya kemungkinan bakalan dikoreografi oleh silat. Well, ini cuma spekulasi-spekulasi doang sih, maklum dari pihak yang bersangkutan belum ada konfirmasi benar atau tidaknya berita ini. Tapi selama ini berita yang dimuat di website Twitch tentang Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhiyan, Cecep A. Rahman atau tentang tim Merantau Films kayaknya bisa dibilang hampir selalu benar. Semoga beneran terjadi! Yuhhuuu...

Kutipan berita dari website Twitchfilm:

"It would appear that the force is set to awaken in Indonesia.

Though there has been no comment whatsoever from any of the performers or their representation, Twitch has learned that a key trio of performers from Gareth Evans' The Raid and The Raid 2 - leading man Iko Uwais, Mad Dog / Prakoso actor Yayan Ruhian and The Raid 2 finale fighter Cecep Arif Rahman, credited simply as The Assassin - will all appear in JJ Abrams' upcoming Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens.

We have no word yet on what their characters may be, which side of the good guy / bad guy line they fall upon or whether any will survive through until the subsequent pictures but think on this: After the underwhelming prequel trilogy with its massive over-reliance on CGI trickery not only has Abrams shown a strong preference for practical effects but has now also cast a trio of highly skilled martial artists who have already demonstrated their skills with blades, batons, etc in a world where super powered warriors fight with blades, batons, etc.

Yes, please?

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